Smoking Treatment

Usual cure

The best treatment for smoking related diseases is to STOP SMOKING before it is too late. It is never too late to quit. The sooner smokers quit, the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Within 20 minutes of smoking the last cigarette, the body begins to restore itself.

Quitting smoking is not easy, and some people try several times before succeeding. There’s no one right way to quit. Quitting for good may mean using many methods including using step-by-step manuals, self-help classes or counseling, or using a nicotine replacement therapy (see next question). Smokers may also need to make changes in their daily routine to help them not smoke.

To help smokers kick the habit, nicotine patches and nicotine gum are available over-the-counter, and a nicotine nasal spray and inhaler, as well as a non-nicotine pill, are currently available by prescription; all help relieve withdrawal symptoms people experience when they quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapies are helpful in quitting when combined with a behaviour change program which addresses psychological and behavioral addictions to smoking and strategies for coping with urges to smoke.

Nicotine replacement therapies are medications that provide nicotine without the other harmful components of cigarette smoke. NRTs are available as patches, gums, inhalers, nasal sprays, or lozenges to help decrease or stop a smoker's withdrawal symptoms. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved all of these products as smoking cessation aids, although some require a doctor’s prescription. These products help smokers break their psychological dependence on cigarettes.

Not everyone can use nicotine replacement therapy. People with certain medical conditions and pregnant women should not use it. When using the patch, it’s very important that users do not smoke cigarettes or use tobacco in any form.

Another medication, bupropion (Zyban) is also FDA approved for helping people quit smoking. This medication, which does not contain nicotine, is available with a doctor’s prescription.

Treatment for smoking related diseases
The risk of having lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers is related to total lifetime exposure to cigarette smoke, as measured by the number of cigarettes smoked each day, the age at which smoking began, and the number of years a person has smoked. The risk of having lung cancer and other cancers can be reduced by quitting. The risk of lung cancer is less in people who quit smoking than in people who continue to smoke the same number of cigarettes per day, and the risk decreases as the number of years since quitting increases.

If you can't prevent cancer or other smoking related diseases, the next best thing you can do to protect your health is to detect it early. Recognizing symptoms, getting regular check-ups, and performing self-exams are just a few ways you can do this.

Your doctor will diagnose and treat you accordingly. Together with changes in lifestyle and a ‘quit smoking’ program designed for your condition, you can treat the health problem caused by smoking.

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