prostate information

Health condition

These are the signs of prostate problems:
· Frequent urge to urinate
· Blood in urine or semen
· Painful or burning urination
· Difficulty in urinating
· Difficulty in having an erection
· Painful ejaculation
· Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips or upper thighs
· Inability to urinate, or
· Dribbling of urine.

If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away to find out if you need treatment and your doctor can diagnose if you have any of the following common prostate problems.

There are several common prostate problems and the common ones are:

This is an inflammation of the prostate, may develop in men of any age. When this condition is caused by bacteria, it calls for treatment with infection-fighting medication. There are two types:

Acute prostatitis
It usually starts fast and can cause fever, chills, or pain in the lower back and between the legs. It also can cause pain when you urinate. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor right away. Antibiotic drugs usually help heal the infection and relieve the symptoms. Your doctor also may suggest that you drink more liquids.

Chronic prostatitis
Another common prostate infection is chronic prostatitis and it that keeps coming back time after time. Symptoms may be milder than in acute prostatitis, but they can last longer. Chronic prostatitis can be hard to treat. Antibiotics may work if bacteria are causing the infection. But if bacteria are not the cause, antibiotics won’t work. Massaging the prostate sometimes helps to release fluids. Warm baths also may bring relief. Often chronic prostatitis clears up by itself.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
BPH is the term used to describe an enlarged prostate. BPH is common in older men. Over time, an enlarged prostate may block the urethra, making it hard to urinate. It may cause dribbling after you urinate or a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night. Your doctor will conduct a rectal exam to diagnose BPH. The doctor also may look at your urethra, prostate, and bladder.

Prostate cancer
This is usually curable when caught early. Yet this cancer produces no symptoms in its early stages. Early prostate cancer can only be detected by a prostate checkup. Treatment recommendations vary depending on the extent of the cancer and the age and condition of the patient.

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